Stern-first launching: git commit -m 'Initial commit'


This is more of a statement of intent than a proper blog entry.
Some little technical information regarding this blog website are also going to appear on your screen.

Why a blog?

As of late, I have been drifting further and further into the realm of freelancing.
And of free time.
And creative freedom. Inevitably.
And free greens and vegetables as the summer season is crawling in on us. That’s another story though.

As it goes, with lots of freedom, I find myself thinking of a number of different technical topics in different parts of the day, while walking the dog, or doing the dishes, or even kneading dough.

Almost on a daily basis, I find out that breaking away from a fixed work engagement has miraculously resulted in a resurgence of clear and creative thinking. From where I am standing at least…

I have also become more aware when it comes to sharing with the online communities I am involved in, mostly the Drupal one.
A gradual change has been taking place as I observe myself moving - slowly - from passively consuming to generating some meaningful content on my own accord. As is the case for many of us, the next logical step is publishing my own work.

Et… VoilĂ !

P.S.: I also heard that blogging is a good thing for building traffic to your website.

heart on Hugo

My main site has been running on Hugo for a while now.
Although I make a living using Drupal and I honestly respect its complexity,
I do find it to be a bit on the “fat” side, especially for the simple purpose of presenting some little text in an elegant way.

Plus, the obscurities of static site generators is quite an attraction. If you’re a person that happily looks at black and green screens for long hours, while typin’ and pipin’.
In other words: it’s fun to edit and publish web content the “Hugo way”. And fat-free!

Finally, for the theming part, I rely on pixyll!

And with that I bid your fairwell
